The Power of Maps: Enhancing Communication for New Infrastructure Projects

Maps are an important graphic design tool for councils that need a solution to the challenge of conveying complex information to different stakeholders effectively. In everyday language, ‘they help people understand the process of building new infrastructure in a region or nationally’.

Maps can bridge the gap by providing a visual representation easily comprehensible to all. In today’s world, it is critically important to engage the public and build support for infrastructure projects.

Jane Comben (Pogo Design) has the experience and understanding to achieve what a council and the public seek.

Creating maps for Kapiti District Council to help visualise directions in real-world contexts.

“In this project with Kapiti Coast District Council, we used a series of maps to demonstrate the changing road layouts of a stormwater project.

As workers moved the work site along the busy street, vehicle detours and bus stops moved to accommodate it. The maps features in newspaper adverts.” - explains Jane

“It was a challenge to show the different lane closures and one way restrictions, so we opted for magnified sections for really complicated sections.. 

These maps helped the local community navigate the area during necessary, but disruptive, works.”

- Jane

Jane Comben

Jane Comben from Pogo Design is a community-focused graphic designer that helps her clients simplify information so they can communicate better with their audiences.

View more of Jane’s work here:

Jane Comben is a member of the newly formed Content Collective a group of Kiwi Creatives working in a collective marketing environment. Find out more about the Collective via this website.

Article written by Tony Cutting
Tony Cutting Digital