The creation of The Little Musical Caravan

The Little Musical Caravan offers mobile music therapy services to children in mainstream primary schools and pre-schools, homes, and other settings. It provides a compact, fun music-making space with a range of instruments.

Emily Langlois Hunt, founder of the Little Musical Caravan, approached graphic designer Jane Comben of Pogo Design to develop her brand for this inspiring venture. Working closely together, Emily and Jane developed a creative brief.

The Challenge

One of Emily’s challenges was that many schools didn’t have a suitable space for Music Therapy, and the equipment was quite heavy to lug around from location to location. Her elegant solution was to find a caravan. The caravan would also act as a moving billboard while she drove around the district.

Developing the Brand

In terms of look and feel, it needs to look fun and inviting to both children and their parents. As the caravan would be visited by a wide range of diverse children, we chose the colours carefully so they were colourful without being overwhelming for some neurodiverse kids.

The following gallery visually explains the brand Jane (Pogo Design) developed while working closely with Emily (The Client).


The Result

Emily now offers mobile music therapy services to children in mainstream primary schools, pre-schools, homes, and other settings, providing a compact, fun musicking space with various instruments. Other music therapists have joined the team, and they have expanded into the Mana Therapy Hub.

Visit the Little Musical Caravan website here


“I really valued the collaborative way in which Jane works. She captured the identity of the business I was trying to create and offered a number of possibilities, one of which was the perfect match! The caravan gets lots of compliments when we drive it around the region.” - Emily Langlois Hunt


Pogo Design

Jane set up Pogo Design in 2007 to provide a friendly, intelligent, and personal design service to a variety of clients both locally and overseas. With a strong commitment to her community, she contributes her creative skills to many local initiatives..

Do you have a graphic design project you would like Jane to help with?

Contact her via her website:

Jane Compton is a member of the newly formed Content Collective a group of Kiwi Creatives working in a collective marketing environment. Find out more about the Collective via their website.

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