Homegrown – what you need to know


With Jim Beam Homegrown 2020 coming to the capital Saturday 21 March, there are a few changes on the waterfront to make way for the sold out event.

  • The skateboarding bowl in Waitangi Park will be closed from 8am Friday 20 March until 12pm Sunday 22 March.

  • The Harbourside Market will be relocated to the Reading car parks area (pedestrian access via Tory and Wakefield Street) on Sunday 22 March. Both Reading car parks will be used for the market so there’ll be no parking available there.

  • On event day, Saturday 21 March, from 11am-12 midnight cyclists and scooter riders will be required to either slow down or dismount in the area due to the high number of pedestrians.

Access to the Wellington Waterfront will be available to general public, but with some areas restricted solely for contractors and/or ticket holders:

  • Waitangi Park: already fenced and restricted access until morning Thursday 26 March

  • Barnett Street Car Park: restricted access from 4pm Sunday 15 March – morning Wednesday 25 March

  • Waitangi Stream Promenade from Cable Street to Waitangi Stream Bridge: restricted access from 4pm Sunday 15 March – morning Wednesday 25 March

  • Odlins Plaza: restricted access from Sunday 15 March during the day (partially reopened in evening) – morning Wednesday 25 March

  • Upper Frank Kitts Park: already fenced and restricted access until Thursday 26 March

  • Lower Frank Kitts Park: already fenced and restricted access until morning Wednesday 25 March (but will be partially reopened to allow access to the Underground Markets on Saturday 14 March).

There will be some traffic management measures during the evening of Saturday 21 March to assist crowds exiting the event.

Please note: all dates and times will be pushed out by 24 hours if bad weather (high winds not rain) cause the event to be postponed until Sunday 22 March.
