Creating Book Content - Jane Comben (Graphic Design)

The Perfect Recipe for Creating Awesome Web Content

Jane Comben of Pogo Design discusses her project to create content for a book.

‘I created this series of collage illustrations for “The Perfect Recipe for Creating Awesome Web Content” book I co-authored.

It was aimed at small businesses wanting to nail their website content. As the title and copy made some playful references to the analogy of baking a cake, I used this as a theme for the collages. Each illustration featured on a section heading, helping to break up the information into manageable sections.

It was a great opportunity to get creative on a personal project and try something new. Later, I used a similar approach for the Waikanae Library community engagement project with Kāpiti Coast District Council. Juxtaposing photos, graphic shapes and vintage illustrations was a great way to show many of the past and future services a library can provide without being too literal or specific.’ - Jane

About the Book

So, you want to create awesome content for your website?

Great, you’re in the right place.

You might be starting from scratch – no cake in sight, or you might be finessing what you’ve already got. Either way this guide will help you whip your content into shape, so it works for you and your audience, helping you grow your business.

Often times the hardest thing is knowing where to start – we can help with that!

The perfect recipe for creating awesome web content gives you a step-by-step approach to planning your content, creating it, making it look awesome, ensuring your website is searchable, and then letting everyone know about it.

You can purchase the book here

Images from the book created by Jane.

If you have a project for Jane or just want to check out more of her work, visit

Linked in:

Jane Comben is a member of the newly formed Content Collective a group of Kiwi Creatives working in a collective marketing environment. Find out more about the Collective via their website.

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